Friday 24 April 2009


Well may wonder how I came about with this title....I am passionate about enjoying life! why do i say that? well for many years i didn't. Although I have had many highlights in my life i did not feel that i was really enjoying an excellent quality of life . I soon realized that only YOU or ME can do something about the present circumstances. for years I have asked myself the question, 'why am i the city i the house i live the church i the job i attend each day that i absolutely do not desire? Have you every wondered why you were placed on this earth? and who you are? well I realized that the first thing I needed to find out is:
1. Who am I? and the next which is also important is
2. Why am I on this earth....
so that is now my quest 40+ years on

For years i thought i knew who I was, but i was only responding to who people wanted me to be and in the process acted out peoples' desires of who i should be. I ended up in a job(teaching) that was suggested to me by my family. I did it! had some great experiences but later ended up resenting and hating it!!! ( not the kids)...'IT' the job. why? I should have followed my heart about 5 years ago and left. but oh no the fear kicks in and I began to say:

' how am i going to get a job that pays as much as teaching?'
'it is safe and I will get my pension etc'
'the pay is good'
it'll get better'

How many times have you said these words whilst enduring each day. I ended up moving to the USA where i lived for 3 years and ended up teaching there. I loved living in America and my dream was to stay there (forever). I enjoyed a nice quality of life and a better standard of living. But i was still unsettled about teaching and knew it was time to leave the profession but I wouldn't. I could but i didn't, all because of fear......This blog will be continued. I am on a quest to find out WHO I AM AND WHY I AM ON THIS EARTH!!Why not do the same ( to be continued in part 2)