Monday 14 November 2011

enjoy life and change part 2

I posted a blog a while ago called enjoy life and change part. 1. I want to add a part 2. This post is about identifying purpose and pursuing the things which matter. When we know our purpose and know why we are on this earth, we will experience change and as a result enjoy on of you are interested in finding out about purpose.......

“For a long time I would ask the all important multi-billion pound question..........what is my purpose? Why am I on this earth? Why was I born? Strangely enough I have been asking and agonising about this question for the longest time ever.....5 years, 10 years, 15 years maybe. I thought one day, “why am I thinking about this and why does it seem to be a problem or concern to me now.” In the bible it says ‘where there is no vision the people perish or cast off restraint’ (Proverbs 29 verse 18). So what is purpose? my personal definition is ‘the ability to know the reason for something, a life or an object, the meaning of a thing or person.’ This is my definition. According to the Oxford dictionary purpose means: The object toward which one strives or for which something exists;

Purpose Nugget: ‘sometimes we can dismiss the little things we do in life and not even know that we were born to do that thing. To the parents who have young children and teenagers, take note of the things they do well and encourage them to do more if it. observe their habits and allow them to explore various hobbies and interests...........move them from the phones, computers, Xboxes, Wii’s, Face book, Twitters, Texting and TV and talk to them from an early age about their love and interests. I desire to see a generation of children and young people who know their purpose in life and affect change and make a difference much earlier than we(adults) did.’

You see, I knew from an early age (around 9) that I was interested in travel, singing and music, meeting people from around the world, visiting exotic and beautiful countries, going on Airplanes and becoming an ‘Air-hostess’ now known as ‘Cabin Crew’. I looked at magazines of ladies in their red Virgin Atlantic uniform and wanted to do THAT JOB and be and look LIKE THEM . They looked glamorous and I was obsessed with travel magazines, nice spa locations and exotic islands, travel programmes on TV, the air hostess’ uniforms, the hair, the suitcase and just looking like the lady in the red jacket! I remember one day saying to my mom with sheer excitement and joy - “Oh mom I know what I want to do when I get older...I want to be an air hostess”. With a serious look on my mom’ face, she Immediately said “you can’t do that job. How will you find a church to go to, if you’re always going to be on a plane? You need to be able to go to church”. There was no negotiation, no discussion about the options and without any question or conversation, that matter was squashed. Nothing else said about it!

Purpose Nugget: ‘take the time to listen to your children and people around you when they speak about the things they love to do. Do not dismiss an idea or thought, it could be a multi-million $ or £ idea. Discuss the ideas and look at ways this can be pursued or researched’

Whilst growing up I belonged to a strict Christian family and became a Christian at 11. I have been a Christian ever since. Not once have a turned away or walked away from my faith. I have had my challenges and have been through some really difficult times in my life....but in all of this I held my faith in GOD. As a teenager I did not do any extra-curricular activities such as: netball, swimming or hockey. The only thing I could do after school was sing in my Gospel Choir only because my older sister was the choir leader. Stopping over at friends...or sleep overs’ was not permitted. SLEEP OVERS? Are you crazy! Not heard of in my household. All I did was go to church and come home and go to school. I was an obedient, respectful and gentle child and teenager. I listened and did what was asked of me. I did not answer back to any one or argue (only in my mind though). I now look back and wish I had slammed the door, or argued with my parents, or was even cheeky like a normal teenager may have been. I was afraid to express how I felt and became afraid to speak up about issues, especially with my mom. Instead I kept my emotions to myself. In the end, I did what THEY wanted me to do and became who THEY wanted me to become. Who are THEY? The people out there...anywhere! it is anyone external to YOU.

Looking back at my experiences(some too deep and detailed to share at this time), I see that I became a person and individual that was not ME the TRUE ME. I took on the beliefs and identities of others and grew into what was expected by my family, my church and somewhat my peers. I never quite fitted into the norm, the fashion, the ideas around me. I always saw things a different way. I saw the funny side of things. I was funny and loved to laugh (now I know this, but back then I didn’t). Instead of trying to walk in my own identity, I began to compare myself to everyone else. I matched myself against THEM. If I did not match their thoughts or ideas, then I always tried to FIT in, so I would not be the odd one out. I began to talk like THEM, act like THEM, speak like THEM and put myself down and elevated THEM, because after all, THEY knew best!!! How many of us still feel inadequate, belittled, intimidated, unsure about ourselves because we do not FIT into THEIR boxes, whoever....THEY are.

The most strangest thing is, over time, I later found out that some of the people I was trying to be like, wanted to be like me and live a life like mine. I was chasing after someone else’s identity when all along, THEY were looking at me and wanted to be like ME. I spent and wasted so much time trying to be like THEM, that somewhere in the process I lost ME, and did not realise that being ME was really great. I was unique, funny, sober minded, strong, a person you could rely on, approachable, a thinker, beautiful and pretty and so on.........but could not see it because I wanted to be like THEM.

Purpose Nugget: ‘When we get a revelation of WHO WE ARE, the personality struggles and conflicts within will cease. We will stop striving to fit in and be like everyone else and we begin to find our own lane and drive that lane. Knowing who we are is the bedrock and foundation in the process of identifying and accomplishing OUR purpose’

well that's it for now, so look out for part b of this blog.

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